off the edge labradoodles 

La Maison DIXIE X OffTheEdge WATTLE

Born on 3 July 2015

A beautiful litter of mixed colour puppies from a beautiful gentle mother who is looking after them very well.

These pups have all found their families.
If you wish to put your name on the waiting list for one of our next litters
please contact us by filling in the form on the right or email.

The Puppies at birth and at two, four and six weeks

Puppy One

Female born at 6.15am weighting 280g
Medium - Fleece - Gold Parti
- Adopted -

Puppy Two

Male born at 6.45am weighting 290g
Medium - Fleece - Black Parti
- Adopted -

Puppy Three

Female born at 6.55am weighting 310g
Medium - Wool - Gold Parti
- Adopted -

Puppy Four

Male born at 7.15am weighting 330g
Medium - Fleece - Black
- Adopted -

Puppy Five

Male born at 7.35 weighting 250g
Medium - Fleece - Chocolate Parti
- Adopted -

Puppy Six

Female born at 7.55 weighting 280g
Medium - Wool - Gold
- Adopted -

Puppy Seven

Female born at 9.20am weighting 360g
Medium - Fleece - Chocolate Parti
- Adopted -

Puppy Eight

Male born at 10.55 weighting 255g
Medium - Fleece - Gold Parti
- Adopted -

Puppy Nine

Male born at 3.30pm weighting 268g
Medium - Fleece - Gold
- Adopted -

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