off the edge labradoodles 

Camden Valley RedGum and OffTheEdge RedHeart

Born on 13 March 2016

This is RedGum's first litter and what gorgeous Reds puppies. She had 5 girls and 1 boy and has given her all in producing these big well rounded puppies. Although a little shy, she is proving a great Mum and looks after her little ones well..

1 girl puppy available in the Guardian program - All the other puppies have found their families.

The Puppies at birth and at two, four and six weeks

Puppy One

Female born at 9.55 am weighing 326g
Medium - Fleece - Red - Adopted -

Puppy Two

Female born at 10.22 am weighing 394g
Medium - Fleece - Red - Adopted -

Puppy Three

Female born at 10.32 am weighing 324g
Medium - Fleece - Red - Adopted --

Puppy Four

Female born at 10.46 am weighing 317g
Medium - Fleece - Red - Adopted -

Puppy Five

Female born at 12.00 weighing 277g
Medium - Fleece - Red - Adopted -

Puppy Six

Male born at 12.38 pm weighing 371g
Medium - Wool - Red - Adopted -


Puppy Seven

Male born at 10.55 weighing 000g
Medium - Fleece - Red - Adopted -

Puppy Eight

Male born at 11.10 weighing373g
Medium - Fleece - Apricot - Adopted -

Puppy Nine

Female born at 11.30 am weighing 338g
Medium - Fleece - Red - Adopted -

Puppy Ten

Female born at 11.30 am weighing 338g
Medium - Fleece - Red - Adopted -

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